


This token was created for this community to show the world the discontent people have with the globalist WEF, woke Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and his government policies that have reshaped and damaged Canada, including its relationship with the USA.

If you are American or Canadian, let’s make Canada the 51st state! Whatever your reason for saying “Fuck Trudeau,” buy the token and help make it a top 100 token so that JT will be remembered as the worst Canadian PM ever.

Note: All images are intended as humor, and no violence will be tolerated.


Ce jeton communautaire a été créé pour montrer au monde le mécontentement des gens envers le mondialisme du WEF, le premier ministre woke Justin Trudeau pis ses politiques gouvernementales qui ont dénaturé pis démoli le Canada ainsi que sa relation avec les États-Unis. Si t’es américain ou canadien, on va faire du Canada le 51e état ! Peu importe pourquoi tu dis “Fuck Trudeau”, achète le jeton pis aide à le propulser dans le top 100 des cryptos pour que JT reste dans l’histoire comme le pire premier ministre du Canada.

Note : Toutes les images sont humoristiques et aucune forme de violence sera acceptée.»



Fuck Trudeau Coin


Launch on Dex

Boxing Game


Merch Store

AI Political Cartoon

CEX Listings

$FuckTrudeau Tokenomics

Total Supply
1 Bn

Liquidity Burnt

CIRC. Supply
1 Bn

Network Solana

How to Buy

Download Phantom or your wallet of choice from the App Store or Google Play for free.
Desktop users: Download the Google Chrome extension by going to Phantom.

Create Phantom Wallet

Have SOL in your wallet to switch to FJTC. If you don’t have any SOL, you can buy directly on Phantom, transfer from another wallet, or buy on another exchange and send it to your wallet.

Buy Solana

Connect to Raydium. Connect your wallet in Chrome, paste the FJTC token address, select trade, and confirm. When Phantom prompts you for a wallet signature, sign.

Go to Raydium

Connect to Raydium. Connect your wallet in Chrome, paste the FJTC token address, select trade, and confirm. When Phantom prompts you for a wallet signature, sign.




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